Wednesday, April 15, 2015

This post is dedicated to Rudyard Kipling

Who wrote the poem - - - Oh why are my Gods afflicting Me?

I am sorely tempted to pray to the Gods that he wrote of, who are afflicting me at present..
When sorting out old files and getting rid of outdated but hoarded ‘rubbish’ that was kept back “In case it came in handy” with the help of one of my neighbours;. what should turn up?

Hiding itself away was a box containing at least 200 colour slides (and maybe even more) that had been carefully put by and covered over during the years.
Some (after a very quick glimpse) are of archaeological digs that were done at least 45 years ago and maybe even earlier.
These treasures will have to be scanned and saved electronically.

It seems that each time I say to myself, “Thank the Lord that is the last” within a week or so another batch appears. 

Now can I respecfully ask:---

My Gods PLEASE stop afflicting me 

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