Saturday, March 14, 2015

A delicious soup.
At a reasonable cost.
2 packets of Lidl Tomato cup-a-Soup 25P
1 small tin Lidl carrots 17P
Optional 3 or 4 closed cup mushrooms. 25p
Total cost? far less than brand names tinned soups 
Start water boiling for the soup, open the tin of carrots and put them in the blender; water and all. Blend into a thick mix.
Make the soup in the saucepan and blend it to mix well. Add the carrot mix and heat. If you use mushrooms, peel them and chop into slices, add them to the saucepan. Heat and blend as it heats. 
This will make around a pint or more (at least 22 fluid ounces) of very thick soup. Can be thinned a little if you prefer it thinner. Salt and pepper to taste and maybe use a little grated Oregano. 
Ideal for a small dinner party, or as a quick warm up after coming in from the cold. Slices of toasted wholemeal bread cut into 'soldiers' for dipping can also be recommended. 

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