Monday, November 17, 2014

The Old Portbury Chapel

For many years this old Brunel broad gauge coach served as a chapel in Portbury. When the construction of the M5 began it was removed “for safety” — but where is it now? It was supposedly taken away for renovation, I think though that if it was successfully restored it deserves a place back in the Somerset village that first saved it from demolition and converted it into a chapel. 

The interior had some of the original railway carriage seats as can be seen in the rear.

Looking rather devrepit and beginning to sag a little.

The coach roof started leaking so a corrugated iron one was put over the top of it.

Interesting to see that although the frame of the carriage was square the over-set metal-work was given a rounded effect just like a horse carriage would have had.

This door was presumably used as an entrance to the chapel. 
On the left had side of the chapel was an acknowledgement thanking Mr Shopland of Clevedon and his horse Smart for moving it to the site from Portbury railway station a few yards down the road to Portishead 

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