Thursday, August 28, 2014

Surprised a housewife in the Pens this morning. I knocked on the door and asked if she minded if I removed a weed growing on the verge of her lawn.
She looked at me at first as though I were mad perhaps (Could there be some truth in that?). 
I explained that I took pix of flowers and that it was one that I had photographed years back but had lost when my hard drive corrupted.

Orange Hawkweed, AKA Fox and Cubs, Devil’s paintbrush, Hieracium aurantiacum  or Pilosella aurantiaca, a branch of the aster species once a garden flower but now scattered far and wide.

A extremely hairy calyx but a really striking orangey-red flower.

The 'clock' is a bare 10mm across and the seeds are black rather than brown like the hawkbeard sp. I carefully took some and hopefully planted them in one of the flower pots. 
Of Hawkweed in general Culpeper says - -
There are several sorts of Hawk-weed, but they are similar in virtues.
Government and virtues :— Saturn owns it, Hawkweed (saith Dioscorides) is cooling, somewhat drying and binding, and therefore good for the heat of the stomach, and gnawings therein; for inflammations and the hot fits of agues. The juice thereof in wine, helps digestion, discusses wind, hinders crudities abiding in the stomach, and helps the difficulty of making water, the biting of venomous serpents, and stinging of the scorpion, if the herb be also outwardly applied to the place, and is very good against all other poisons, A scruple of the dried root given in wine and vinegar, is profitable for those that have the dropsy. The decoction of the herb taken in honey, digests the phlegm in the chest or lungs, and with Hyssop helps the cough. The decoction thereof, and of wild Succory, made with wine, and taken, helps the wind cholic and hardness of the spleen; it procures rest and sleep, hinders venery and venerous dreams, cooling heats, purges the stomach, increases blood, and helps the diseases of the reins and bladder. Outwardly applied, it is singularly good for all the defects and diseases of the eyes, used with some women's milk; and used with good success in fretting or creeping ulcers, especially in the beginning.

Amongst a further discourse. 

We have gone; we have fled
out into the world we go;
we have left our home,
and we will wander
and roam, until we find
a new haven. Then we will 
in turn put forth a new generation.
People will curse us
they will say “Damned Weeds”;
but we know we are not damned
for we are the beauty
of nature and we too are
children of the Mother Goddess
as people themselves are.

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