Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Magic Spring

How was it done?

When scanning slides and prints I came across some 2.5 square pix taken with my Mamiyaflex. Probably around 40 years back.
Complicated exposure yet simple principle :---
Colour film uses blends of 3 colours, Red, Green and Blue.
All 3 colours together imprint as white.
Measure your exposure - say 100th at f11
Take 3 shots on the same film frame of 1/30th each
hold in front ot the lens a gelatin type filter of 3 colours using a different one for each exposure.
With splashing water like this it registers on only one of the colours therefore a change of position means it shows only the colour of the filter used at that time.
Where nothing has moved or changed the normal and natural colour is registered because each of the filters has combined and shows the same image.
I had to remember to change the exposure type to Cut Film on the Mamiya so as to be able to take 3 shots on one frame.
I used to enjoy messing about with film experimenting 


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