I found an old slide, probably 40 years old or so. I took the pic on the down road to Washford from Raleighs Cross on the Brendons. I tried to scan it but it was very spotty so I jiggled it to a simulated water colour using PSP 7.
When I went digital I had gone to the place to take new pix but the trees had grown so high along the slopes that it was impossible to see the view It was looking down from the B3190 towards Leighland Chapel at around a hundred yards or so down the road from Raleighs Cross Inn. .
Fairly easy to do. First reduce the size of the pic to around 200kb. Save this as a seperate pic to work on. Go into PSP 7 and select "Effects" then "Noise" and choose Salt and Pepper filter. Set to around 5 pixel size and study how it has worked. Adjust to larger or smaller pixel sixe, to change the way it goes.
Save the reult and then go to "Image" then "Resize" Pic around 300 pixels per inch and do not allow the new dimensions suggested but save the image to about 8/9 inches on the longest side.